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Ultrasound and Screening Tests

During a normal pregnancy, several screening tests are offered to assess both your health and the health of your developing baby. This involves both ultrasound and blood testing for infections and complications of pregnancy. 

Routine Screening Tests

Please see the SOGC PregnancyInfo website above for detailed information about routine screening tests in pregnancy, including: ultrasound, HIV screening and Group B Streptococcus screening.

Gestational Diabetes

We recommend that all of our patients are screened for Gestational Diabetes at 26-28 weeks. This usually requires a one hour test in which you drink a sugar-filled drink, and then check your blood for sugar levels one hour later. This test does not need to be done fasting.
Gestational Diabetes Info Page
Diabetes Canda.jfif
For more information regarding Gestational Diabetes, please see the information above from Diabetes Canada.
Gestational Diabetes Info PDF
Diabetes Canda.jfif
See the informational PDF from Diabetes Canada above to learn more about Gestational Diabetes.
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