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Medication Use in Pregnancy

Many medications are safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Please ask either your family physician or ourselves if you have questions regarding a specific medication. The resources listed below will help guide you regarding safe medications to take for common symptoms of pregnancy, including nausea and vomiting, and during cold and flu season.

Commonly Used Safe Medications in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
CHU Sainte Justine.png
A handy pocket guide regarding safe over-the-counter medications for common complaints of pregnancy – available for download onto your device in pdf format

Motherrisk Program

Unfortunately, as of May 2019, the Motherrisk program through SickKids in Toronto is no longer available as a resource.  However, please see the following other websites for good information regarding medication use in pregnancy:
SOGC - Medication Use
Healthlink BC - Medicine Use
SOGC - Medication Use
Click the image above to learn about proper medication use while pregnant
To learn about proper medication use while pregnant according to HealthLink BC, click the image above
Information provided by the CDC regarding proper medication use while pregnant
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