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Gynecologic Surgery
Many reproductive health issues can be both diagnosed and treated with surgery. Here is some information from the SOGC and Bupa (from the UK) regarding several common gynecology surgeries.
Opioid Use After Surgery
After most gynecologic surgeries, we recommend regular use of a combination of acetominophen (Tylenol) and an antiinflammatory (ie. ibuprofen/Advil, naproxen/Aleve) to help control your pain. You may also be prescribed a small amount of opioid tablets to help with your pain during the first few days after the surgery. Please see this important information regarding safe use of opioid medications.
Opioids After Surgery
Opioid Prescribing for Acute Pain
Above is a helpful fact sheet that teaches the proper use of this medicine and safety tips for using opioids.
Above is another helpful document from Health Quality Ontario that discusses acute pain treatment options and proper opioid use.
Types of Gynecologic Surgery
Below is a breakdown of many of the different gynecologic surgeries available.
Know Your Options - SOGC
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